Senin, 05 September 2011

Bunga Rampai Artikel: Febriyan Lukito

1. TGFTD - Thursday Hidden

If we hear 'hidden treasure', our eyes will be glittered. But when we hear hidden secrets, our eyes will be wondering.

One same word - hidden, can be good, can be bad. And our action goes with the same pattern.

One act can be good, can be bad - depend on how people sees and acknowledges it.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day.
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

What we think as good things, might perceive as bad things - a friend told me that.

Be careful of what we say or do.

110811 0645
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito

Rabu, 10 Agustus, 2011 18:47

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Komentar: A.C.Huang

Dear Feb

"One same word - hidden, can be good, can be bad."

Why hidden can be good or bad ?

What is the reason to hide ?

Why to hide ?

For me, hidden or to hide is negative act. No need to hide if we do not make any mistake. But hidden goods are not always bad, and could be a treasure. So there is different between hide as an act and as a goods.

*wait for your explaination*

Mi abbandono a mano di Dio

A.C. Huang
Rabu, 10 Agustus, 2011 20:10

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Response Febriyan buat A.C.Huang:

aw... si koko pagi2 dah membuat aku berpikir keras...
mungkin analogiku kurang tepat...

aku cuma menganalogikan bahwa sebuah 'hidden' bisa diekspektasikan berbeda saat kita gunakan...
hidden treasure - orang mendengarnya akan lebih 'wow'
hidden secret - orang mendengarnya dan akan 'hmmm'

bukanlah tentang alasan sesuatunya di-'hidden' - what's the purposes of hiding something - yang aku ingin utarakan. tapi apa yang dirasakan oleh mereka yang mendengar kata hidden ini yang aku coba angkat.

bahwa sebuah perkataan ataupun perbuatan - bisa diekspektasikan berbeda... sangat berbeda oleh orang lain.

mungkin kita bermaksud baik dengan mengatakan sesuatu ataupun melakukan sesuatu - tapi... orang lain bisa menginterprestasikan beda, dan itu bukanlah kesalahan mereka.

persepsi atas sesuatu, sama seperti persepsi Ko Huang atas TGFTD ini, bukanlah suatu kesalahan... justru dari sana kita belajar... dan berpikir. 'oo.. ok. what i've said can be perceived differently'

Maaf ya kalau mungkin tidaklah tepat analogi yang aku utarakan kali ini. mudah2an sih ga salah2 amat... and mohon maaf kalau grammar or vocab dalam Inggris ini masih banyak salahnya - jarang practice jadi suka error kalau nulis dalam bahasa Inggris.

Febyiyan L.

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2. TGFTD - Friday Fun

Have fun, my mom said when I was a kid and wanted to play outside with a friend.
That time, I thought, fun is when you do something with friends. But then, I know....

Fun is just only a state of mind. I can have fun by my own - if my mind was set into fun mode. And I do it by doing things I love such as writing, reading, do some accounting.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day.
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Sometime, I have fun by my own - my loneliness, but sometime I have fun with friends, just like last night. Thank you guys....

120811 0712
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito

Kamis, 11 Agustus, 2011 19:14

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3. TGFTD - Sunday Answer

Have you find the answer you looking for? Have you search deeper?

All questions inside your mind - about life, about love, about emotion, about anything - the answers are there.

Look deeper, seek inside and you'll find it.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

If u don't find it, are u asking the right question and have u hear the unspoken question?

140811 0854
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito

Sabtu, 13 Agustus, 2011 20:55

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