PowerPoint presentations can be used in many different ways. It all depends on your message or expected outcome. Choose the one that gives your audience the substance and value they are looking for
1. PowerPoint shows: I am sure by now you too have received these inspirational shows in your email box. A series of striking pictures with beautiful music and some text to explain the context of it all. You can watch these shows whenever you have time and do not depend on anybody helping you to understand the meaning.
Incorporate a PowerPoint show into your presentations. You could also run your presentations as a show. Prepare expressive pictures, record your explanation, and automate. Open your presentation with a short introduction, then sit down and start the show; answer questions as a closing. This is a great solution for creative people, maybe advertising or designers.
2. PechaKucha or 2x20 (Google offers many sites with explanations): A new way of using Powerpoint presentations is called PechaKucha or 20x20. This creative format consists of 20 slides automated to move forward every 20 seconds. The speaker has to convey his ideas about each slide within a clear time limit. A whole presentation takes no longer than 6 minutes 40 seconds
3. Visual aids: Most people use PowerPoint presentations as visual aid. Anything can be a visual aid: the real product you are selling; the handouts your audience will take home anyway; posters; flipcharts; whiteboard and of course Powerpoint.
to see the picuture go to: http://www.your-public-speaking.com/powerpoint-presentations.html
PowerPoint Presentations
PowerPoint presentations can be used in many different ways. It all depends on your message or expected outcome. Choose the one that gives your audience the substance and value they are looking for1. PowerPoint shows: I am sure by now you too have received these inspirational shows in your email box. A series of striking pictures with beautiful music and some text to explain the context of it all. You can watch these shows whenever you have time and do not depend on anybody helping you to understand the meaning.
Incorporate a PowerPoint show into your presentations. You could also run your presentations as a show. Prepare expressive pictures, record your explanation, and automate. Open your presentation with a short introduction, then sit down and start the show; answer questions as a closing. This is a great solution for creative people, maybe advertising or designers.
2. PechaKucha or 2x20 (Google offers many sites with explanations): A new way of using Powerpoint presentations is called PechaKucha or 20x20. This creative format consists of 20 slides automated to move forward every 20 seconds. The speaker has to convey his ideas about each slide within a clear time limit. A whole presentation takes no longer than 6 minutes 40 seconds
3. Visual aids: Most people use PowerPoint presentations as visual aid. Anything can be a visual aid: the real product you are selling; the handouts your audience will take home anyway; posters; flipcharts; whiteboard and of course Powerpoint.
to see the picuture go to: http://www.your-public-speaking.com/powerpoint-presentations.html
So let’s talk about how to use visual aids, especially PowerPoint presentations.
As the word ‘visual aid’ implies, it is something (an object) that helps you. Helps you what? Helps you explain your idea, point, solution, dream, goal in a faster and easier way. ‘A picture speaks louder than a thousand words’; (it has to be a good one though). That is why you very often hear or read the advice: ‘use more pictures than text in your slides. Maybe that is the idea of Zen presentations.
Lots of presenters do not understand how to use aids, especially PowerPoint to their advantage. PowerPoint presentations should enhance your speaking not overwhelm and bore your audience! They should support you with things you cannot accomplish easily, like explaining a complex idea with a few visual strokes.
to see the picuture go to: http://www.your-public-speaking.com/powerpoint-presentations.html
What PowerPoint is NOT:
go to How to use PowerPoint Presentations ProperlyYour speech notes! Do not stand in front or in the middle of the room and turn to the screen to read your slides. Your audience can read silently much faster than you read aloud. Avoid forcing your audience to make a decision to either read for themselves and close their ears or close their eyes and listen to you reading.
Competition! The slides should enhance the understanding of what you say. They should not repeat exactly your words. They are your assistant, your subordinate, your aide. They help you drive home your point when you need something other than your own tools.
You as a speaker have so many tools at your disposition. You can connect with your audience much easier and better than visual aids can. For example a hearty laugh, a frown on your forehead, or sweeping arm movements will outshine any smiley on a slide.
Your cheat sheet! Do not use slides to trigger your memory, by turning to the screen to see what is coming next. You should trigger the curiosity of your audience so that they anticipate the next slide.
It can happen though that a speaker blanks during his presentation. It can happen to the best . If possible, have your laptop facing you so that you can see the screen and be sure you are on track. If that is not possible have a back-up plan, some notes or cards with the bullet points close by.
As we just saw, PowerPoint is not the speaker, you are! It merely assists you by enhancing your capabilities. Go to the next page to see how to use PowerPoint in your business presentation to your advantage!
Success with your next PowerPoint presentation!
Happy to serve
Monika Sugiarto
Monika Sugiarto
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