1. TGFTD - Wednesday Rise
#TGFTD - Wednesday Rise
Rise and shine... Fill the world with things you should to make this world more meaningful.
Bangkitlah dan bersinar. Berikan yang terbaik dalam hidupmu. Tinggalkan dunia ini dalam keadaan lebih baik.
Kegelapan akan selalu ada - dia diperlukan agar tetap seimbang. Tapi mematuhinya atau tidak adalah pilihan.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - choose the right path... Leave your own trademark to make better life. Walk under the sun.
#TGFTD - RISE and shine like the sun giving the world better life. Happy Wednesday.
130711 0652
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito
Selasa, 12 Juli, 2011 18:56
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2. TGFTD - Thursday Move
To be one success man, we need to MOVE our mind and body.Arahkan pikiran. Arahkan tubuh kita. To where we're going.
We need to sacrifice things in life to make a better future. Don't be hesitate and reach your dream.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - we need to MOVE to achieve something. One small step always be needed.
#TGFTD - one little step to achieve something big. MOVE it. Happy Thursday.
140711 0722
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito
Rabu, 13 Juli, 2011 19:24
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3. TGFTD - Friday Amaze Amaze others with what you can do in life, you'll be amaze yourself.
Saya sedang menikmati lagi salah satu kartun kesayangan saya. Saint Seiya. Satu yang selalu membuat saya kagum adalah tekad Seiya.
Dengan tekadnya itu, dia mendorong dirinya sendiri untuk selalu menjadi lebih dan lebih. Meningkatkan kemampuannya dan mengalahkan lawannya.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - push yourself. Reach out the best within you. And you'll be AMAZE. You never knew what you're capable of.
#TGFTD - never give up. There's always way out. AMAZE yourself with your action. Happy Friday.
150711 0756
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito
Kamis, 14 Juli, 2011 20:00
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4. GFTD - Saturday Step Back
We need to step back and realize how far we've come. Be grateful.
Setiap hari kita berjalan dan melewati waktu demi waktu. Berusaha menggapai sesuatu dalam hidup.
Nikmati perjalanan atau hanya fokus pada hasil?
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - just STEP BACK and see... what you've got now. Realize the journey.
#TGFTD - I'm thankful for every thing happen in my life. Love the journey. Thank you all.
Happy Saturday
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Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito
Sabtu, 16 Juli, 2011 09:31
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