Sekapur Sirih dari Owners Milis “The Managers” tentang Milis & Blog The Managers Indonesia (TMI):
to The Managers, the country’s largest community of professionals who
wish to improve and sharpen their managerial and leadership skills in
order to stay in the tough competition and whenever possible, climb a
higher career ladder in the business world.
The Managers facilitates a
friendly interaction and provides the opportunity to all of its members
to share or exchange business information, personal development topics,
specific soft and hard skills, philosophy, or even general information
with another.
Inarguably, we believe the business world is more in need of better leaders than just qualified managers and we wish to narrow down the difference between a good manager and an influential leader. We believe that leaders are not borned and just like the managers, they are chiselled through years of learning and practise until finally, it becomes a character.
Good leaders will automatically attract followers with their confidence, their speech, their actions, and how they approach an issue from a more creative perspective by turning problem into challenges. In brief, a good leader possesses influential skills and clear vision on what is best for the overall organization.
Members of The Managers will enjoy the privilege of getting the first hand information of job vacancy and business opportunity from big firms or headhunters that are closely connected to us. Seminars and training conventions will also be available to its member to participate.
We believe in diversity and will appreciate the teamwork spirit from all members to be actively involved in our daily discussion. Feel free to introduce anyone to The Managers and have them send an email to and their free membership will be processed immediately.
Last but not least, expand your networking and get ready to join our inner circle today. Let’s listen and learn from each other,Managers!
Warm Regards,
Inarguably, we believe the business world is more in need of better leaders than just qualified managers and we wish to narrow down the difference between a good manager and an influential leader. We believe that leaders are not borned and just like the managers, they are chiselled through years of learning and practise until finally, it becomes a character.
Good leaders will automatically attract followers with their confidence, their speech, their actions, and how they approach an issue from a more creative perspective by turning problem into challenges. In brief, a good leader possesses influential skills and clear vision on what is best for the overall organization.
Members of The Managers will enjoy the privilege of getting the first hand information of job vacancy and business opportunity from big firms or headhunters that are closely connected to us. Seminars and training conventions will also be available to its member to participate.
We believe in diversity and will appreciate the teamwork spirit from all members to be actively involved in our daily discussion. Feel free to introduce anyone to The Managers and have them send an email to and their free membership will be processed immediately.
Last but not least, expand your networking and get ready to join our inner circle today. Let’s listen and learn from each other,Managers!
Warm Regards,
Ang Harry Tjahjono
Indra Sugishwo
Rky Refrinal Patiradjawane
Rky Refrinal Patiradjawane
Regarding “The Managers Indonesia”
(Sorry, the statement is under construction)
(Sorry, the statement is under construction)
(Sorry, the statement is under construction)
- A Group of The Members of The Mailinglist on
Founded :
5 November 2008
4.103 (until 28 October 2012)
Ang Harry Tjahjono
Indra Sugihwo
Rky Refrinal Patiradjawane
(Since 28 October 2012)
Dadang Kadarusman
Harry Uncommon
Ratmaya Urip
Stephanus K. Wibowo
Rudi Zamroni
Freddy Pieloor
Email of The Group (Mailinglist) :
themanagers_indonesia@yahoogroups.comEmail of The Moderators (Mailinglist) :
The Blog :
Editors of The Blog:
Ratmaya Urip (Editor of Articles)Yonatan K. Rudyanto (Editor of Graphical Matters)
Radio Online :
Regulasi Milis The Managers Indonesia
1. Setiap posting yang mengandung SARAP (Suku-Agama-Ras-Antar Golongan-Pornografi) akan di REJECT dan moderator akan memberikan TEGURAN berupa catatan kepada yang bersangkutan. Jika setelah ditegur hingga tiga kali dan tidak diindahkan, maka dengan sangat menyesal keanggotaan member akan di BANNED untuk sementara waktu.
2. Setiap member DILARANG MENGHINA dan MERENDAHKAN tiap profesi dan martabat seseorang dalam bentuk apapun. Jika setelah ditegur hingga tiga kali dan tidak diindahkan, maka dengan sangat menyesal keanggotaan member akan di ‘BANNED’ untuk sementara waktu.
3. Setiap materi berupa FORWARDING THREAD diharuskan untuk menyebutkan sumbernya.
4. Setiap posting berupa berita/ informasi (kecelakaan, kecurian, sakit atau kematian) perlu dicantumkan secara detil dan jelas untuk menghilangkan kesalahpahaman atas informasi tersebut.
5. Semua komunikasi harus menggunakan BAHASA YANG SOPAN & SANTUN, dapat diterima oleh akal sehat kalangan awam dan tidak disingkat-singkat yang menimbulkan banyak interpretasi.
6. Setiap member DILARANG MEMBAJAK THREAD dengan alasan apapun. Moderator akan malakukan REJECT atas posting semacam ini.
7. Peneraan nama perusahaan, nama jabatan dan nomor handphone (HP dan Kantor) termasuk No Pin Blackberry DIPERBOLEHKAN.
8. Posting yang berisi SPAM akan di REJECT dan moderator akan meminta pengirim untuk merubah password email. Jika hingga sampai TIGA KALI BERTURUT-TURUT masih terkirim kepada kami, maka kami akan merubah status email yang bersangkutan menjadi NO EMAIL hingga kami mendapatkan konfirmasi perubahan password dari yang bersangkutan.
9. Posting dalam bentuk ONE LINER (satu huruf, satu kata, satu kalimat) akan di REJECT dan kami sangat menyarankan untuk didkirimkan melalui Jaringan Pribadi (JAPRI), dengan demikian anda telah membantu pekerjaan moderator.
10. Posting yang berupa KUIS dan sejenisnya atau bentuk lainnya yang BERPOTENSI MENIMBULKAN JAWABAN ATAU RESPON ONE LINER akan kami REJECT.
11. Untuk setiap posting yang dikirimkan WAJIB untuk menerakan nama pengirim yang sejelas-jelasnya [bukan nama samaran], dengan cara salah satu dari: a). nama pengirim diakhir email (signature) atau b). nama pengirim di field form atau c). nama pengirim di alamat email. Selain dari itu, akan di-reject.
12. Moderator BERHAK MENGEDIT isi sebuah posting jika diperlukan dan akan memberikan catatan khusus atas materi yang diedit tersebut.
1. SETIAP IKLAN dalam bentuk apapun baik lowongan kerja, iklan niaga, kerjasama dan bentuk-bentuk iklan lainnya, ditulis dalam bentuk ‘NARASI – EDITORIAL’ dengan font huruf 12, yang berisi penjelasan detail tentang produk/ jasa yang ditawarkan. Khusus iklan diizinkan untuk hari minggu saja, kecuali iklan lowongan kerja bisa setiap hari.
2. Materi iklan terlebih dahulu harus dikirimkan ke dan kami akan memperlajari iklan tersebut sebelum dimuat, paling lambat jam 21.00 WIB.
3. IKLAN ONLINE dalam bentuk apapun DILARANG di milist ini demikian pun IKLAN ARISAN berantai dan sejenisnya juga DILARANG.
4. Untuk menjamin transparansi dan responsibility, Setiap pengiklan diwajibkan untuk melampirkan nama lengkap pengirim, nama perusahaan, alamat perusahaan dan nomor kontak perusahaan baik nomor telepon maupun email.
5. Setiap member HANYA DIBOLEHKAN mengirimkan posting iklan SATU KALI dalam satu hari.
Demikian regulasi ini kami sampaikan kepada seluruh member Milist The Managers, dan efektif berlaku pada tanggal 24 Februari 2011 Pukul 00.00 WIB. Setiap member milist ini WAJIB TUNDUK pada regulasi ini dan berperan aktif membantu berpartisipasi aktif mengawasi jalannya regulasi ini, sedemikian rupa sehingga MILIST THE MANAGERS dapat menjalankan visi dan misinya sebagai milist yang profesional, memiliki integritas, konstruktif dan solutif.
Revisi 10/10/12
Hormat Kami,
Owner & Tim Moderator Milist The Managers
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Manager Definition
By F. John Reh,Definition: A Manager is the person responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals, monitoring their work, and taking corrective action when necessary. For many people, this is their first step into a management career.
Managers may direct workers directly or they may direct several supervisors who direct the workers. The manager must be familiar with the work of all the groups he/she supervises, but does not need to be the best in any or all of the areas. It is more important for the manager to know how to manage the workers than to know how to do their work well.
A manager may have the power to hire or fire employees or to promote them. In larger companies, a manager may only recommends such action to the next level of management. The manager has the authority to change the work assignments of team members.
A manager's title reflects what he/she is responsible for. An Accounting Manager supervises the Accounting function. An Operations Manager is responsible for the operations of the company. The Manager of Design Engineering supervises engineers and support staff engaged in design of a product or service. A Night Manager is responsible for the activities that take place at night. There are many management functions in business and, therefore, many manager titles. Regardless of title, the manager is responsible for planning, directing, monitoring and controlling the people and their work.
FAQ - The Managers Indonesia
Welcome to the themanagers_indonesia Frequently Asked Questions guide.This file contains answers to many of the questions regarding the administrative
operation of themanagers_indonesia, including:
- how to subscribe/unsubscribe;
- how to post a message and to read previous messages;
Please *READ* and *KEEP* it for future reference.
Please forward it to people who may be interested in subscribing to the managers_indonesia.
Thank you.
***How do I subscribe to themanagers_indonesia?
There are two ways of subscribing to themanagers_indonesia
1. Via the website
Go to:
Click on "Join this Group"
Then click on "Sign up now" to create a Yahoo!Groups logon id. You can then
join star_people using your Yahoo!Groups logon.
It's a bit complicated and takes a bit of time but subscribing this way enables
as well as viewing messages previously sent to themanagers_indonesia
HINT: you do not have to use your real name but you do need to use
your correct email address to receive mail from themanagers_indonesia.
When you register with you then choose to join the
themanagers_indonesia email list. You can have messages delivered to you in three ways:
(i) a message can be sent to you each time a message is sent to the list;
(ii) you can receive a digest version of the list, which will send
you one email a day containing a number of messages; or
(iii) you can choose just to read themanagers_indonesia messages from the website.
2. Subscribing via email
Send a blank email message to:
You will automatically receive individual messages from themanagers_indonesia.
***How do I unsubscribe from themanagers_indonesia?
Go to the website
and log in using the Yahoo!Groups id you created and then click on "Leave this
Send a BLANK email to
NOTE: You must send the unsubscribe email from the same email address
you used to subscribe to star_people.
***If I subscribe, will my email address by kept confidential?
While I cannot guarantee that the website is completely
secure, I can assure subscribers to star_people that I will never divulge
their membership or email address to another person or organisation, unless
required to do so by a court of law.
***Can anyone join themanagers_indonesia?
Yes. Membership of themanagers_indonesia is moderated. This means that anyone can join themanagers_indonesia with moderator's approval
***What happens if my email address starts bouncing messages from themanagers_indonesia?
If your email address consistently bounces when themanagers_indonesia attempts to send you a message your email address will be unsubscribed. You will need to resubscribe as described above.
***How do I post a message to themanagers_indonesia?
To send a message to everyone on themanagers_indonesia send an email to:
You must be subscribed to themanagers_indonesia in order to post a message and you must send the message from the same email account under which you subscribed.
Please remember that not all themanagers_indonesia subscribers read their mail every day.
You should allow ample time (i.e. at least several days) for people to log into
their email inboxes and read their mail.
As messages are approved by a Moderator (i.e. a person) there WILL be a delay
before your message is posted. Please DO NOT send your message again. Messages
are *usually* but not always approved once in the morning and afternoon on
weekdays and *may not* be approved on weekends. You should allow sufficient
time for your message to be approved (i.e. several days), particularly if it is
time critical.
As the membership of themanagers_indonesia's is moderated, you are *strongly encouraged* from placing personal information about yourself in your postings e.g. information that could allow a person to locate you such as your full name and address. Usually a first name and a phone number is sufficient information for a person to contact you if that is necessary. Remember too that you do not have control over where your email may be onforwarded once posted on themanagers_indonesia.
***Why is themanagers_indonesia moderated?
Initially moderation of themanagers_indonesia started because not every e-mail suitable with vision and mission of themanagers_indonesia, so we must filter it first with our moderator's team
***I remember seeing a message posted recently but I've deleted it, how can I
view it again?
If you remember seeing a message sent out on the list and you want to
read it again for details, then go to the link above and search
through the messages there, rather than emailing the whole list asking
for the information to be sent again.
***Who do I contact if I'm have questions?
If you have questions or inquiries or trouble navigating the website
please contact
The Moderators of The Managers Indonesia
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