Jumat, 28 September 2012

Bunga Rampai Renungan: FEBRYAN LUKITO


1.  #TGFTD - 170712 - Tuesday Limit

Setiap orang memiliki keterbatasan dalam hidup mereka.

Mengetahui batasan diri sendiri adalah sebuah kekuatan. Karena dengannya, kita dapat mengembangkan diri dengan maksimal.

Tantangan terberat adalah mengatasi diri sendiri yang 'enggan' mencari yang lebih.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

We have LIMIT in our life. But that doesn't mean we can LIMIT ourself. Keep looking ways to be BETTER. Be WISER. Be YOU.

170712 1028
Senin, 16 Juli, 2012 22:29

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2.  #TGFTD - 180712 - Wednesday Way

There's always a way (solution) for every problems.

Selama kita tetap open mind tentang keadaan yang kita alami, akan selalu ada jalan untuk kita. Tetaplah berpikir terbuka untuk semua kemungkinan.

Buka mata. Buka telinga. Buka hati. Dan tetap berdoa tentunya.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Don't give up. Don't say NO before we try. We will find a way when we keep our EYES, HEARTS and MINDS open.


180712 0630
Selasa, 17 Juli, 2012 18:38
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3.  #TGFTD - 190712 - Thursday Ordinary

We are born to be an extraordinary.

Setiap orang memiliki kekuatan untuk menjadi luar biasa dalam hidup. Menjadi luar biasa terkadang hanyalah dalam melakukan hal kecil di luar kebiasaan.

Lakukan setiap kebaikan sekecil apapun dalam hidup dan jadilah orang luar biasa bagi seseorang di luar sana.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

One simple thing can be extraordinary for others. Keep your smile on your face and make others HAPPY.


190712 0844
Rabu, 18 Juli, 2012 20:47
4.   #TGFTD - 200712 - Friday Forgive

Setiap orang PASTI pernah melakukan kesalahan, ke orang tua, saudara, teman, rekan kerja, termasuk ke diri sendiri.

Meminta maaf adalah salah satu cara/itikad baik untuk memperbaiki kesalahan itu. Dan yang merasa dilanggar, memaafkan adalah cara untuk melangkah lebih baik lagi.

Mengucap 'MAAF' dan 'DIMAAFKAN' adalah mudah - tapi apakah hati sudah mengucap dengan tulus?

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

What happened in our life is to make us STRONGER, BETTER, WISER. Forgive and let go. Forgive and move on.

Let's start brand new YOU - forgive those who harmed you. Learn the mistakes and move on.

200712 0945
Kamis, 19 Juli, 2012 21:50
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5.  #TGFTD - 230712 - Monday Master

Kehidupan kita ada di tangan kita - we are the master of our life.

Ke manakah hidup kan membawa kita, semua diawali oleh kita sendiri. Ke mana kita mengarahkannya.

Bagaimana setiap hari kan berjalan, ditentukan oleh sikap kita sendiri setiap harinya.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Start a day with a smile and you will end it with happiness. Start a life with gratefulness and you will end it with joy.

Be BETTER. Be WISER. Be YOU. Be the MASTER of your LIFE.

230712 0730
Minggu, 22 Juli, 2012 19:32

6.  #TGFTD - 250712 - Wednesday Fast

Saya pribadi suka merasa minggu berlalu cepat saat memasuki Rabu. Rasanya kok tiba-tiba sudah pertengahan minggu saja.

Kalau kata orang, waktu berlalu dengan cepat saat kita mengerjakan sesuatu yang kita sukai. Syukurlah saya masih mengerjakan hal-hal yang saya sukai.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Time flies FAST when we do something we love. And it's gonna be keep going FORWARD. No TURNING BACK.

250712 0800
Selasa, 24 Juli, 2012 20:01
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7.  #TGFTD - 240712 - Tuesday Love

Kalau bicara cinta, rasanya tak ada habisnya ya. Keindahannya. Kebahagiaan dalamnya.

Tapi janganlah mencinta berlebihan hingga membuatmu lupa akan segalanya. Dan menjadi buta.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it

Thank God for the LOVE we have in life. Love of GOD. Love of the FAMILY. Love of the SPOUSE. Love of the FRIENDS. Love of OTHERS.

Spread the love. And make peoples SMILE.


240712 0800
'Too much love will kill you'
Senin, 23 Juli, 2012 20:16
8.  #TGFTD - 260712 - Thursday High

I wanna go as high as I can be. I believe that I can.

We have things that we need to achieve our dreams. That's the gift that God gave us. Why don't we use it?

Kekuatan diri kita sangat besar, bahkan di luar apa yang dapat kita bayangkan. Itu kenyataannya. Tapi kita masih belum memaksimalkan kekuatan kita.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Dream HIGH. Achieve HIGH. U can be whatever u want, as long as u believe it.


260712 0735
Rabu, 25 Juli, 2012 19:49
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9.  #TGFTD - 270712 - Friday Rocks

Yeah!!! It's Friday. TGIF.

Banyak dari kita merasa senang kalau sudah Jumat karena tandanya weekend - liburan telah tiba.

Dan coba saja, kalau di hari Jumat, rasanya waktu berjalan cepat sekali. Apalagi tanggal segini - waktunya gajian.. (LoL).

Apa waktu berkurang kalau Jumat sehingga terasa lebih cepat? Tidak. Tapi semangat kita berlipat dan senang dalam menjalani hari Jumat.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Let's ROCK on this Friday... KEEP the SPIRIT high. Energize yourself with the SPIRIT.


270712 0730
Kamis, 26 Juli, 2012 19:32
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10.  #TGFTD - 300712 - Monday Survive

I came to win.. To fly.. To conquer.. To survive.

Sudah hari Senin lagi. Tak terasa sepertinya libur kemarin. Ayo.. Siapa yang masih enggan ke kantor?

Monday Madness biasanya terjadi. Dan sepertinya untuk survive dari Monday Madness ini susah sekali.

Tapi.. Seperti lirik lagu di atas - I will survive

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

We have the tools to SURVIVE. Day by day, we will survive coz we are CHAMPIONS.


300712 0721
Minggu, 29 Juli, 2012 19:22
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11.   #TGFTD - 310712 - Tuesday Last

Saat-saat terakhir terkadang menjadi moment terindah dalam hidup. Saat terakhir menggenggam jemari yang kita sayang. Saat terakhir menunggu hasil sidang.

Rasanya bisa bercampur-campur. Mulai dari takut, senang, sedih, dan lainnya. Ciptakanlah saat terakhir yang indah sehingga menjadi moment terindah.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Let's make our LIFE worth living and worth to remember. Have some LAST moment with someone you LOVE to be the greatest moment.

310712 0725
The LAST day of JULY
Senin, 30 Juli, 2012 19:27
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12.  #TGFTD - 010812 - Wednesday Spirit

Hidup seperti roller coaster... Ada naiknya. Ada turunnya? Semangat/spirit kadang bisa hilang tiba-tiba.

Wajarlah... Namanya juga manusia. Tapi gak wajar kalau down terus. Saat down, ingat kembali tujuan hidup kita. Jadikan itu semangat!

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day
Daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

Let me share a song: Bridge of light by Pink from OST Happy Feet 2.

When you think

Hope is lost

And giving up

Is all you got,

Blue turns black,

Your confidence is cracked,

There seems no turning back from here

Sometimes there isn't an obvious


While the holiest stars can feel the

strongest palpitations

That's when you can build a bridge of light,

That's what turns the wrong so right

That's when you can't give up the fight

That's when love turns nighttime into day,

That's when loneliness goes away,

That's when you gotta be strong tonight,

Only love can build us a bridge of light

On your feet, I made a storm

You're convinced that you're all alone

Look at the stars, it's straight up the dark

You'll find your heart shines like the sun

Let's not let their anger get us lost

And the need to be right cause us way too

high costs

That's when love can build a bridge of light

That's what turns the wrong so right

That's when you know it's worth the fight

That's when love turns nighttime into day

That's when loneliness goes away,

That's when you gotta be strong tonight

'cause only love can build us a bridge of


Deep breath, take it on the chin

But don't forget to let the love back in

That's when love can build a bridge of light

That's what turns the wrong so right

That's when you can't give up the fight

That's when love turns nighttime into day,

That's when loneliness goes away

That's when you gotta be strong tonight

'cause only love can build us a bridge of


Only love can build us a bridge of light...

010812 0640
Selasa, 31 Juli, 2012 18:43

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