Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011

Bunga Rampai Artikel: Febriyan Lukito

1. TGFTD - Saturday Touch

#TGFTD - Saturday Touch

With a simple touch, we can make people smile forever.

Kita bertemu dan berkenalan dengan banyak orang. Tanpa kita sadari, kita telah menyentuh banyak orang.

Sentuhan kecil tanpa kita sadari. Lewat senyuman, tegur sapa, sharing, dll.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it

#TGFTD - my life has change. I've become a better man because of 1 simple TOUCH.

#TGFTD - your TOUCH. When you let me in your life. You've TOUCH me with your heart.

230711 1018
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito
Jumat, 22 Juli, 2011 22:20

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2. TGFTD - Sunday Reason

240711 1133
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito

Sabtu, 23 Juli, 2011 23:34

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3. TGFTD - Monday Stuck

#TGFTD - Monday Stuck

Pernahkah merasa dirimu 'stuck in the moment'?

Saat ingin melangkah, rasanya begitu berat... Enggan sekali meninggalkannya. Tapi kita tahu bahwa kita harus melangkah.

Saat-saat seperti itu akan sering dialami di hari Senin. Merasa bahwa Monday BLUES. It just gonna make u feel stuck in the moment.

#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.

#TGFTD - hard to leave the 'I hate Monday' syndrome. But... You have to.

#TGFTD - don't be STUCK in hating Monday. Move on and love Monday. It's a beautiful day. Happy Monday.

250711 0715
Follow me @TGFTD
Best Regards,
Febriyan Lukito

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1 komentar:

  1. Setiap hari hendaknya selalu disyukuri, apa yang telah dilewati dan apa yang telah dicapai
