Minggu, 31 Juli 2011

Bunga Rampai Artikel Febryan Lukito

1.  TGFTD - Wednesday Life

Life is about choices.
Itu status bbm salah satu teman saya. Teman yang saya kagumi. Yup kawan.. Life is about choice.
Karena itu, jangan pernah lupa untuk memilih. Baik atau buruk bukan yang utama.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - choose something and it will shows something. Result! And there's the true LIFE lies.
#TGFTD - how you deal with all the result of your choices. That's the real LIFE. Happy Wednesday all.
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Selasa, 19 Juli, 2011 20:11
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2. TGFTD - Thursday Marked

#TGFTD - Thursday Marked
Marked every day as YOUR DAY! And you'll get your daily happiness.
You're in control of your own life. Don't let anyone else try to make it bad.
Think good, you'll get good. Think bad, you'll also get bad.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - happiness, good things, all gone when u let it happen. You decide which one do you want in your life.
#TGFTD - MARKED every day of your life as happy day, I believe you'll be happy. Happy Thursday.
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Rabu, 20 Juli, 2011 19:08
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3. TGFTD - Hurry Friday

Walk in hurry and you'll miss every great things in life.
Kita terkadang dituntut untuk mengerjakan segala sesuatu dengan serba cepat tapi tepat.
Saat melakukan itu, sebenarnya ada hal-hal indah dalam hidup. Indahnya mentari, indahnya persahabatan, indahnya kekeluargaan.
#TGFTD - Thank God For The Day is daily gratefulness of life and what's in it.
#TGFTD - do your job quick but enjoy your life. Don't let it pass away.
#TGFTD - HURRY and enjoy the life completely. Happy Friday - what a beautiful life.
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Kamis, 21 Juli, 2011 18:51
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